- Education
Zimbabwe Teachers Drags Govt To Court Over Mass Suspensions

THE Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA) has approached the High Court seeking an order nullifying a desicion to suspend for three months teachers who went on strike last month.
After failing to convince disgruntled teachers to go back to work, government then ordered them into classrooms, announcing a blanket suspension for all who defied its February 22 ultimatum.
“The suspensions are qualified as unlawful, unreasonable and unfair as they violate section 65(1), 65(4) and 68(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act, 2013,” reads the application.
“They (teachers) are likely to fail to meet personal financial liabilities and monthly subscriptions such as medical aid, pensions, funeral assurance and the likes may end up being suspended or potentially lapse a situation which may not be cured by damages.
“In this premise we believe that this matter is urgent and ought to be dealt with as such it can not afford to wait on the normal roll as this would attract perverse conduct from the employer.”
Most government teachers have been on strike since opening of schools for the first term over poor wages and working conditions.
They are demanding a US$540 salary while government has been adamant, offering transport to work, promises of housing schemes, payment of their children’s fees, a US$100 Covid-19 allowance and a salary hike described as an insult by unions.