Zambia: Nevers Mumba Joins UPND Campaign teams in Kabwata and hails the peaceful atmosphere


New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy President, Dr. Nevers Mumba says his experience in Kabwata during yesterday’s door-to-door campaigns spelled a new era of a peaceful Zambia in which every political party Is able to campaign freely.

President Dr. Nevers Mumba this afternoon joined the Kabwata by-election campaign to support UPND parliamentary candidate Andrew Tayengwa in the forthcoming by-elections slated for February 3rd.

Dr. Mumba in the company of his entire National executive committee addressed the media after a tour of kabwata constituency at Chilenje community Hall where he declared his intention to support Andrew Tayengwa who he referred to, as his son who grew up in his Ministry ‘Zambia shall be saved’.

Dr Mumba in his speech said that today’s gesture was an affirmation that the MMD has resolved to support the UPND during the on-going Kabwata parliamentary by-elections campaigns and its governance.

He appealed to MMD members across Kabwata Constituency to vote for the UPND Parliametary candidate, Andrew Tayengwa for continued peace and development.

“My presence here is a clear indication that the MMD stands in support with the UPND. We are here to push for the aspirations that the people of Zambia carry in their hearts-of integrity, peace, love and unity. For the first time now, we have new politics of love and unity that have been brought by President Hichilema,”

He charged that today’s experience where members of the ruling and opposition political parties could campaign side by side without any reprisals and violent clashes was a clear indication that President Hichilema was committed to creating a conducive peaceful political environment for all political players.

He said it was gratifying that at long last, the people of differing political affiliation and ideologies were able to co-exist in Zambia, adding that the campaign promises by the UPND of an entrenched democracy by President Hichilema were being fulfilled.

“What we experienced this morning while we were talking to the people of Kabwata is a clear sign that the people of Kabwata have already decided to vote for UPND. They indicated to us that this election is already won. Even when the PF were in the area where we were campaigning, no single stone was thrown and no panga was used. No insult was used and blood was spilled.
Therefore, I decided that it would be selfish for Nevers Mumba not to join UPND campaigns in Kabwata,” he said.

Speaking at the same occasion, UPND Kabwata parliamentary candidate Andrew Tayengwa, in the forthcoming Kabwata parliamentary by-elections says he will endeavour to continue with the vision of President Hakainde Hichilema of taking development and resources closer to the people of Kabwata.

Mr Tayengwa, who has deep roots in Kabwata, says he will ensure that the people of Kabwata benefits from the bulk of the K25.7 million CDF allocation in a transparent and accountable manner.

He said he was proud to contest under UPND because his President Hichilema has demonstrated his love for the people and his vision of making life better for the people of Zambia.

And UPND SG, Batuke Imenda thanked the New Hope MMD-for partnering with the ruling party in order to deliver Kabwata to the ruling party.

“I want to thank our political partners from the New Hope MMD for backing us to save Zambia from total collapse. It is the democracy that the MMD brought that has enabled us to stand here freely without any political repression,” he said.
Other members of the MMD that joined the campaign team are two Vice President Reuben Sambo, Winnie Zaloumis vice president administration, Secretary General Elizabeth Chitika, felistus Chulu treasurer, Information chairperson Caphus Mukuka, chairperson for lands Joseph kaunda, national youths chairperson Joshua Mulenga and chairperson elections Malama Sokoni.
A number of senior UPND officials and members as well as from MDC all attended the briefing at Chilenje Community Hall.

