This is Why Ethiopia suspended visa on arrival for Nigerians


The Federal Government of Nigeria has said thet Ethiopia’s suspension of its “visa on arrival” to Nigeria and 41 others countries at all entry points is due to insecurity, especially regarding its current political situation.

This comes barely two weeks after the country’s flag carrier, Ethiopian Airlines acquired 49 percent majority stake on the Nigeria Air project.

The suspension applies to nationals of all countries bearing Standard Passports, who seek entry into Ethiopia and not specifically targeted at Nigerians.

“The Ethiopian authorities have explained that the measure is aimed at better border control of movement of persons into Ethiopia in view of the ongoing armed conflict in the Northern part of the country,” said Omayuli.

The general public is invited to take note of the new visa regime of the Federal Government of Ethiopia and be guided accordingly,” she added.

Omayuli also expressed government’s concern over the Ethiopian government’s worry over the abuse of the country’s visa policy by some Nigerians.

According to the Ethiopian authorities, some Nigerians who enter the country on tourist visas remain even after the expiration of their visas, engaging in unwholesome activities.

“The activities of these few elements not only tarnish the image of the country, but limit opportunities for well-meaning Nigerians outside the country.

“Such persons are enjoined to turn a new leaf and take advantage of the opportunity provided by the Ethiopian National Security Agencies to participate in the ongoing registration of undocumented migrants to avoid unpleasant situation,” Omayuli
