- Africa
Illegal miners invade Chikani Gold mine in Chikankata Zambia

Chieftainess Mwenda of the Basanje Tonga speaking people of Chikankata District in Southern Province says security officers should quickly go to the Gold rich Chikani mine to control rampant illegal mining by unscrupulous people. Chieftainess Mwenda said illegal mining of Gold in Chikani should not be entertained and urged the local people to always keep an eye at Chikani rich Gold mine.
The traditional leader, however said he is aware of Sabi Company who have legally acquired an exploration license at Chikani and that any other people doing illegal activities are trespassing and that should be ejected out of the area.
Chieftainess Mwenda said this in an interview with the Zambia News and Information Services in Chikankata district today.
The traditional leader further disclosed that Chikankata District is rich in mineral deposits such as Gold, Copper, White stones, Nickel and Amethyst to mention but a few which have remained un tapped.