Head of Guinea’s ruling junta appoints members of transitional council


The head of Guinea’s military junta, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, named on Saturday the members of the National Transitional Council, NTC.

The 81-member legislative body will decide when civilians will return to power.

Civil society activist, doctor Kanso Kourouma, was appointed president of the NTC.

The members of the NTC represent all the country’s socio-professional organisations as well as political parties.

Colonel Doumbouya, who became transitional president on 1 October 2021 after overthrowing President Alpha Condé, has pledged to hand over power to civilians after elections, but has not yet mentioned a deadline for this transition.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) insists on the need to respect the six-month deadline for holding elections and urges the Guinean authorities to quickly submit a timetable for this.

source: africanews.com
