- Africa
A Titan of Freedom Falls: A Tribute to Dr Sam Nujoma, dies at 95

In the realm of African heroes, where legends roam free, A shining star has faded, leaving an eternal legacy. Sam Nujoma, the fearless warrior, who fought for Namibia’s rights, To breathe the air of freedom, and dance under the warm sun’s light.
Born in the heart of Ovamboland, where the winds whisper secrets old, Nujoma’s spirit was forged in fire, his soul tempered like gold. He rose to challenge the shackles, of colonialism’s cruel might, And led the charge for independence, through the dark of endless night.
With a heart ablaze, and a will unbroken, He stood against the tempests, his spirit unspoken. Through exile, imprisonment, and danger’s lurking shade, Nujoma’s resolve remained unshaken, his vision for Namibia unafraid.
As the nation’s first president, he guided with wisdom’s gentle hand, Rebuilding, reconciling, and healing the wounds of a troubled land. His legacy extends far beyond, the boundaries of his noble reign, Inspiring generations to rise, and claim their rightful place in the sun’s warm rain.
Today, we mourn the passing, of this iconic son of Africa’s soil, Yet we celebrate his life, a testament to courage, unyielding and unsoiled. Sam Nujoma’s spirit remains, an eternal flame, that burns bright and true, Guiding us forward, on the journey, to freedom, justice, and equality anew.
Farewell, dear hero, your memory we hold dear, In the annals of African history, your name forever will appear. Your legacy lives on, a beacon of hope, in the hearts of all who strive, For a world where freedom’s torch, shines bright and never dies.
~Abiodun Adigun.